Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weekend results... Kinda.

So, some things got done, others- not so much... I totally forgot to take pictures of how we rearranged the furniture inour living room, but let me tell you... it feels so much better in there. Husband and I have definitely decided that its time for new furniture though. Our current living room furniture is all handmedowns. The couch belonged to my mom's ex-boyfriend. He got new furniture and gave her his old stuff b/c she didn't have much, and then they broke up (good riddance) and then I got married and needed furniture. So, its lasted (just with husband and I) 4 moves, a 2.5 year old with limitless energy and jumping capability, and all kinds of spitup, spills, etc.

I do have pictures...

oldest daughter playing at the family reunion

youngest daughter kissing her greatgrandma

our family (yes I'm wearing the same shirt that I wore for our family photo. shoot me.)

and some of the super yummy mexican food we ate.

(can you say chicken huarache?! mmmmmmm)

it was a pretty good weekend.

(those are the homemade chips! mmmmmmmmmmmmm)


  1. I'm excited to see your new furniture arrangement! I totally forgot to come back and "weigh in" on placement but I'm sure you did a fabulous job on your own. Sounds like you had some great plans.

  2. Oh yes, you have to show us pictures!! It sounds like you guys had a great weekend. And I'm not ashamed to admit that the Mexican food looks really good at 7:14 in the morning. I'm hungry.
