the last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. If you every check me on twitter, you noticed that I've named my mom a saint (what? I can do it. the pope told me so! ;P ) because she agreed to watch the girls for us Thursday AND Friday evening which meant:
1)we got to sleep in two mornings in a row
2)we got to go anywhere we wanted all day Friday without- changing diapers, unbuckling from carseats, choosing a restaurant based on where we knew the girls would eat something
3)going to a movie
4)staying out late
of course I have no pictures to show of any of that. Because when you catch yourself getting reacquainted with your husband after a month worth of working weekends (either one or both of us... blah!... but, thank goodness we have jobs!) you don't have time to stop and get new batteries for the camera... you have to relish every minute!
We saw the movie Duplicity (fantastic!), shopped (Target, Old Navy, TJ Maxx, Children's Place), ate (mmmmm PF Chang's!), talked (in the parking lot of Braum's in the car him-jr. cheeseburger, me-frozen yogurt in a cup)and relaxed (kwim?!). It was all fantastic.
Saturday morning we packed our bags, dropped some stuff off at the consignment sale, picked up the girls and headed out of town. Husband's grandparents were celbrating their 60th (yes, sixtieth. as in 50 + 10) anniversary and we were so glad to be a part of that! (even though it meant missing out on our neice's birthday party (so sorry, A!).
But, here are a few pictures of the anniversary party...

on top of all of this, I volunteered yesterday at our local JBF Consignment Sale. This is my number one favorite children's consignment sale in our area, and it is so well organized, friendly and FULL! I only had time to snap one quick shot before the sale started, but what you're seeing in this picture is JUST the floor toys. There are racks and racks and racks of clothing, plus strollers, furniture, small toys, shoes, bedding, etc. It is AMAZING! Check out one in your area soon!

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